Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Senti songs are hazardous to your health

Senti songs are hazardous to you when listened to while suffering the following:

a.) just broke up with your bf/gf
b.) in the middle of breaking up with your bf/gf
c.) was dumped by the person your courting
d.) being single for the longest time ever
e.) in the state of limbo in a relationship
f.) falling or fallen in love to a person who does not love you the way you want
g.) any similar condition with the things already mentioned

there should be a law passed that it is forbidden to listen to these kinds of songs when you are suffering from any those things above.

I mean, it only makes matters worse for the person. Instead of getting on with your life, these songs drag you back down to a state of a blithering idiot. Listening to senti love songs on purpose while in the state of emotional disaster is like carving your heart out with a wooden spoon (just imagine how that feels like).

Although I admit, senti love songs are great to listen to if your in perfect condition. They even have the power to make you say aawwww ….and give out a sigh while smiling and covers you in a warm fluffy feeling. Thats all good

BUT! If emotionally youre in the shit-hole, they become evil. Its better to eat crushed glass than listen to them when your hurting inside. Senti songs will painfully remind you about the good all days you had, and are now long gone. Making you want to crawl down a hole somewhere and die. They eat you from the inside out (just like ketong).

Word of advice, avoid listening to senti songs when your feeling down and troubled. Avoid it like it has the plague or something worse, PUBIC LICE!

Im not sure whats the point of all of this, wait, is there actually any point in all of this??… probably just bored witless that’s why im writing all this hibidyjibidy. Boredom makes you do all sorts of stuff… I think I have ADHD…… I dunno why I just said that. Im going bananas… Bored outta my skull.....


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