Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Mother Load of Dog Turd....

was browsing through some profiles at one of the sites im a member of... found this...

same sex relationship can never be can never force your partner to be faithful in the same way that even a "boy-girl" relationship can never be..what is important is that at the end of the day you find each other on your side and your happy knowing that he is yours..we need to enjoy the relationship while it last..for if you waste your time in doubts and insecurities, you will never appreaciate how wonderful it is to fall in get hurt is a fact that we bargain when we choose to love..but hey, know what - loving is the essence of our existence..that is the reason why we were created - to love..and so let us not count the times that we were hurt..rather count the times we smiled, we laughed, we love..when we grow old, we regret nothing because we have loved and that we let those whom we love feel that we love them..let us not waste time on doubting that our present relationship might not work or that our partner might be playing around with someone else..we just continue to love...


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