Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Sunday, August 14, 2005

One Roller Coaster ride after another and another and another.....

Just got off from yet another roller coaster ride of my life. Come to think of it, that has been the trend with the direction of the path which im taking this year. One roller coaster ride (complete with all the fast twists and turns, loops, dead drops, slow climbs, the time where your left hangin in the air and in a blink of an eye plummets down with amazing speed) after another. True to its nature, roller coasters is a fun ride and yet, at the same time, can scare the beejeezus out of you.

I can say my life is one big roller coaster ride, well in terms of relationships that is. It feels like a never ending ride. Well, yeah there are interludes like when i get off one, but its like Im never off the ramp, in-line for the next. It seems that I never get tired of it. Maybe its the buzz that I get after a long plunge down and things are moving up, or maybe the head-rush that I feel when im on it after going through a series of loops, and maybe its the anxious feeling i get when im hangin upside down, waiting for the dive down.

Exciting, yes. Tiring, very. I wonder if I will ever get off this roller coaster ride. As the pessimistic sod that I am, I think its my karma. But there is one insy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, tiniest of tiny sliver of optimism inside me saying that one day I will get of this ride for good and be on a smooth sailing cruise with me smiling from ear to ear. Undeniably, there will be bumps, pit-stops, and flat tires along the way, thats for sure. But all of those would be minor and a most welcome exchange from heart stopping, drain-the-blood-out-of-your-face, ride a roller coaster has to offer.

I may have failed trying, but at least I never failed to try. As they say, its better to have loved than to have never loved at all. Well in this lastt attempt things didnt go smoothly. Not as strong and resillient as I used to. Well im not sure if it was love, but im damn sure it was something close to that.

Life or the world in general is full of shit, one should hold his head up high to get away from the stench.

And the beat goes (gawd! i still cant sing...ahehehehe)


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