Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Issues smissues.........

Its a fact. We all have our issues, inner demons to face, hang-up's in life. but its up to ourselves to keep it under control so that it wont consume us.

Not putting it infront of ourselves and affect how we deal with people around us.

If you got hurt, was mis-treated, ignored, fooled, played, somebody made you look like a complete ass in the past, dont make ganti to the next guy who chances upon liking you.

He doesnt have to go through and suffer the brunt of your issues. Set it aside and deal with it seperately. If you can't or won't, dont drag him into it. Alam mo yan from the start. You had those issues floating in your head before you two met.

And also, dont make/use them as the excuse. "Im Sorry, i have issues" or "Im sorry for being an asshole" or "Im sorry i have wronged you big time", Plang! Like that??? How convenient.


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