Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Don't I Ever Get Tired?

My life, love life to be exact, seems to really be one roller coaster ride (read earlier post with roller coaster in title).

Its a wonder for me after all I have gone through, I still feel everything so keenly. Parang its always a first time for me. The joy, laughter, towering anger, sadness and of course, pain. All these feelings are always fresh when they come my way.

Recently I have tried to do new stuff because of this new person I met. Ending, I flopped and floundered misserably at it.

Got to talk to my best bro last weekend, syempre as usual, I told him everything that transpired. Told him each scene blow-by-blow.

After telling my tale, my best bro said something that made my mouth drop and was at a total loss for something to say. He said "pahinga ka muna bro, di ka pa ba napapagod?".

I usually have something to retort, a witty remark, a clever quip, or something. But that question left me dumbfounded. As in, napa "ha?" lang ako. All i could come up with was a lame "onga eh". Though it made me thinking. Pagod na ba ako?

Then it hit me. Yes im tired. But why the fuck am i still doing this? The idea dawned to me (parang sunrise talaga? hahaha), I will have my time. Sounds so cliche-ish, everything happens for a reason. I dunno if im just making myself feel better by thinking that. Ito pa, another sappy thought that passed through my mind, all these things happening or has happened to me will only make me stronger. Para when the "ONE" finally arrives, I'll be free from all my issues, hang-up's and what not. Parang bang being burned in the past will make me clean. Think ore, after the burning, only gold will remain.

Drama eh noh?!?


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