Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Galera and Back Again
Did one of the, I can say, the most inane thing I have ever done in my whole life.. Literally inane and down right dumb.
For starters, I'll give you a brief insider on the crazy notions bubbling in my head and somehow find its way in making me doing it..
Those who know me, as in really know me, can say for sure im not the friendliest person on earth. Its not that I dont have friends (for that, I dont have that many friends compared to others but for sure Im not lacking), its just that Im comfortable with the circles I already have.
For the sake of trying soomething new, i decided to "try" and make new friends. Not a total disaster though not a glowing success either.
Tried making "new friends" in the usual and most convenientwatering hole for PLU's, the internet. Used my online account, which i consider the cleanest (if not slowest) gateway to meet people. (tama bang i-advertise?? hehehe). I chose connexion coz the people their are more "decent", well the site itself reeks with decency.
Fast forward...
Met this totally cool guy. As luck would have it, i was smitten agad (duh, hopeless ay no, witless romantic kasi piopips!). Panalo sana in my book, sumablay lang in the stage he is in (playing around stage). Knowing myself, I figured its ok. Kayang kaya. Though he said some misleading lines but mistake me coz i made it so convenient (lyrics sa madonna song? hehehe). Presumed to much..
Moving along....
After going out a couple of times with cool guy, I decided to set my cap on this one. Good catch, i thought. (ito na ang main topic of the story... haba ng intro eh noh!). He mentioned during our 2nd "date" that he would be going to Puerto Galera one weekend, and asked me if I wanted to go. Not knowing my monetary status then, i just gave a vague "ah talaga? sige" answer. As days went by, me and cool guy chatted days away on ym. popped the question who is going to galera. He said, "2 of my friends from connexion". Right then and there I was hesitant to join na. But there was this stupid voice inside of me whispering "sama ka na... ayus lang yan.. he'll be there..." (hala lagot!! im hearing voices!!! hahahaha). Fished for some info about these friends of his, back ground check if you will. From what ive gathered, friends sila yun lang. Blah blah blah.. in short, i gave my word that ill go. Had a dread feeling about it though, but i ignored the damn thing. Cool guy even wanted me to meet the other 2 people coming with to galera. Met up with one. He is ok (lets call him perky boy). Had a great evening with him, but my eye was set on cool guy.
Getting there....
Finally the day came. Being pio, nang dun ako on time. And they were late. Cool guy arrived 15 minutes after the designated time. the rest followed. Had this distinct feeling that this is not going to be a good vibed trip. Again, i ignored myself. Got to meet the other people joining the exodus to galera. Lets call them Tangkad and Mr Frosty. Tangkad was ok. Quiet, unassuming sorta fellow. Mr Frosty was a different matter. The moment i laid my eyes on him, dislike at first site. Putting my genuine-non-plastic social skills to work, i opened up. Asked them basic stuff: age, where from, work, etc, etc. Tangkad answered in a shy manner. Mr Frosty had this matter-of-fact-ms-thang-isang-tanong-isang-sagot manner of answering. Didnt sit well with me, mr frosty's way of answering, but hell, who cares right?
-Bus Ride to Batangas port-
One loong bus ride. left kinda late, so traffic was there. It was ok coz i was sitting beside Cool Guy. Again, became the friendly guy im not, made small talk with Perk Boy, Tangkad, Cool Guy and Mr Frosty. Iba talaga si Mr Frosty. All answers from him were short and curt. Isang-tanong-isang-sagot at its finest. Whats up his ass?, i thought. Pero ayus lang.. Tuloy ang ligaya.
-Boat Ride to Galera-
Nothing to make kwento here. We all slept most of the way.
-Galera- (may laman laman ng ito)
Finally, after 4 hours or more sitting, we arrived at galera. Not much people as i expected but the smell of bookings was in the air. The eyes of my companions were allover the place. The usual me, indifferent to everything, eyes set on someone (tanginaaaa... can this get any sappier??? hahahaha). Went house hunting first. Cool guy took the lead. That was when i noticed "something" between Cool guy and Mr Frosty. Well, sa simula palang smelled something in the air na. But didnt think anything of it kasi Cool Guy said ganyan sila magkulitan. So ayus lang. Then in galera, Mr Frosty was todo asikaso kay Cool Guy. Ma waglit lang sa paningin, tawag ito agad. Ako naman figured "ah... siguro they have something going on now...Dang! dagdag competiion ito... Ayus lang.. kaya to"... Blah blah blah blah (insignificant details ang mga "blah blah blah"... hehehehe). Naka hanap rin ng bahay. Settled in. And started to get high (Thank God in heaven for marijuana!!!!!.. made all the difference). Total naman I was, technically the odd-one-out in that group, naging friendly ulit ako. Asked more stuff, made kwento more stuff.. Basta, totally un-pio moves. (ito na ang karne!!!! hanep sa disclaimer eh noh). Nagka 1-on-1 kami ni Mr Frosty. As usual, curt short answers parin siya. Which was starting to annoy me. Like, there i was, miserably trying my best to establish, say a connection between us two, and he was still being the ice queen. Got fed up, so i said "oh parang interview na 'to, ikaw nalang magtanong. Ask anything, religion, politics, kahit bastos. Ayus lang".. He then asked me about my past. So ako naman, todo kwento. Then after my long story, he said his rather short one. Mentioned his ex's Hudas, Barabas, Hestas, and Cool guy (1st 3 names are not real, cant think of any substitute kasi.. heheheheh). Define luwa mata. As in my eyes almost popped outta my head upon hearing na ex pala niya si cool guy. Wapak! panalo diba! Awkward feeling at its finest.
Grabe, totally felt alone at that time. On an island with almost total strangers. Hews the clincher. Mr Frosty, after seeing my reaction on his revelation plastered on my oh so animated face, he became un-frosty. As in, biglang chikahan portion kami. -lets skip the mellow drama moment ko-. Basta, sobrang awkward time for me, felt alone, cornered, out numbered, and duped, i did another un-pio act. I left. Kakaiba noh? Ako nag back out sa "competition".
Well, i decided to leave was for the good of all. Knowing what a total prick i can be, i didnt want to hassle the other people on the trip. Didnt want to suck the fun out of the air. Bad vibes na ako nun. Sobrang bad vibes. Eh ako, pag binad trip mo, babadtripin din kita. Total im in a foul mood, im gonna make sure that all of you will be in one too. Parang "binadtrip nyo ako, pwes mabadtrip na tayong lahat!" . Thats me, but total naman im trying all sorts of new stuff, i didnt go there. Left without much funfare. Hmm.... Maybe im growing up afterall..
-Back to Manila-
Ito na ang highlight ng mala nobelang kwentong ito!!!!! This is the crowning glory of this whole inane blather...Caught the last trip back to Batangas. Buti nalang naka habol pa ako! Kundi, minus!! Wala akong titirahan!!! would rather sleep in a mosquito infested shanty than go crawling back to the place we rented like a sniveling idiot.. Anyway... moving along, I was on the boat na. Waiting for it to fill up. Oo na, was hoping na cool guy would go after me. Pero syempre wala. Kape! Well, its not a crime to dream diba. As the boat eased its way out, may biglang bumagasak! Believe it or not, i started crying like an injured pup! Totally not me!!! Hell, the last time i cried was during my dad's cremation 3 yrs ago. Ewan ko kung bakit ako naiyak. Felt bad and utterly down that time. Try as i might, ayaw tumigil ng luha. At ito pa! Tumulo uhog ko!!!!! Ibang klase gboy!!!!!! As in there was uhog factors involved in my little spectacle back on the boat. Odd, at that time I was so oblivious with everyone and everything around me. Not sure if anyone saw my very appalling specter. Gawd! must have looked awful. Big red nose, crying matang sisiw eyes.... JAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Sa hinaba haba ng kwento ko, tungkol lang pala sa pag iyak sa bangka ang laman. Anak ng?!? Hindi ko nalang dineretso eh noh??

Crying felt goood!

: Mas mahaba pa ang total byahe ko compared sa pag singhot ko ng hangin sa Galera.
Got a taste of saltwater though.... There was this big wave that hit the right side of the boat, drenching the passengers at that side, including me. At least nadampian ako ng tubig alat for that trip. Hehehehe.


At 8:58 AM, Blogger GUS said...

may gawd... i can almost hear you talk while i was reading your entry... i wish i could have been there to comfort you. guess what? its almost a year na since we met. cheer up pio... okay lang yan. magsisisi din sila. if not, tatanda rin tayo.


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