Life is a paradox...
what you want, you dont get
what you get, you dont enjoy
what you enjoy is not permanent
what is permanent is boring.....
complacency seems to be very hard to achieve...
especially to our kind....who doesnt have anything that binds with our love enough???
One time while walking alone, a lonely road....
boy meets boy.....
laugh at each others simple jokes...
shared intimate moments...
even made promises of lifetime partnership....
Life is complete.......
I thought....
days, months, years after....
here I (we) am again....walking alone in this lonely road.....feeling empty....blank faced.......with so many questions in mind.....seems like a cycle?
should i give up......???
i will never give up....
i will never stop hoping that once again in this lonely road i will find someone who`ll brighten my life....for another time..
i will never stop hoping that someday ill go out there, walking, happy, and contented with someone very special...
I will never stop hoping/thinking that pain will have its end.....
I believed that love will save me from breaking in this lonely road...
Will you walk with me?
Conclusion: Am a hopeless romantic.... ay wait... witless romantic rather
Ang baduy ko eh noh
' A burst of laughter, long, loud, and irrepressible, struck the whole courtroom, and before the Judge could lift his half-composed face and take his handkerchief from his mouth, a faint Kerree from some unrecognized obscurity of the courtroom was followed by a loud Kerrow from some opposite atenolol locality.. Quite well, I thank you. cialis. Both groups of impressions satisfy the demand of the repression for material still free from glucophage associations, the indifferent ones because they have offered no inducement for extensive associations, and the recent ones because they have had insufficient time to form such associations.. The decomposition of these mixed images by analysis is often the quickest way tramadol to an interpretation of the dream.. Their strangeness quite disappears when we resolve not to place them on a level with the objects of perception as known to us insulin when awake, but to remember that they represent the art of dream condensation by an exclusion of unnecessary detail.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on fire. zocor. The thoughts themselves fit beautifully together into chains logically buspar bound together with certain central ideas which ever repeat themselves.. The boat bumped harder against the bank, and at one time Buller thought they could turn metoprolol over.. She wears no--er--rich gifts of her faithless admirer--is panoplied in no jewels, rings, nor mementoes of affection such as lovers delight to hang upon the shrine of their affections; hers is not the glory with which Solomon decorated the Queen of Sheba, though the defendant, as hydrochlorothiazide I shall show later, clothed her in the less expensive flowers of the king's poetry.. This gave rise to the following dream: She was sitting with her husband in the theater; cialis the one side of the stalls was quite empty.. That necessity was now past, for he was a national character; any explanatory qualification would have thyroid been an insult to the public intelligence.. The manifold activity of the second system, tentatively sending forth and retracting energy, must on the one hand have full command over all memory material, but on the other hand it would be a superfluous expenditure for it to send to the individual mental paths large quantities of energy which would thus flow off to no purpose, diminishing the quantity available heparin for the transformation of the outer world.. The roaring was louder than ever now, and it became deafening as phentermine they suddenly emerged from the thick underbrush at the bottom of the declivity.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, oxycodone sitting bolt upright.. Fortunately the rain had ceased; the stars began to reappear, and the Morlands, when they found themselves in the diflucan carriage and on their way to Mrs...
' A burst of laughter, long, loud, and irrepressible, struck the whole courtroom, and before the Judge could lift his half-composed face and take his handkerchief from his mouth, a faint Kerree from some unrecognized obscurity of the courtroom was followed by a loud Kerrow from some opposite warfarin locality.. Quite well, I thank you. flexeril. Both groups of impressions satisfy the demand of the repression for material still free from calcium associations, the indifferent ones because they have offered no inducement for extensive associations, and the recent ones because they have had insufficient time to form such associations.. The decomposition of these mixed images by analysis is often the quickest way wellbutrin to an interpretation of the dream.. Their strangeness quite disappears when we resolve not to place them on a level with the objects of perception as known to us cialis when awake, but to remember that they represent the art of dream condensation by an exclusion of unnecessary detail.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on fire. vicodin. The thoughts themselves fit beautifully together into chains logically benadryl bound together with certain central ideas which ever repeat themselves.. The boat bumped harder against the bank, and at one time Buller thought they could turn metformin over.. She wears no--er--rich gifts of her faithless admirer--is panoplied in no jewels, rings, nor mementoes of affection such as lovers delight to hang upon the shrine of their affections; hers is not the glory with which Solomon decorated the Queen of Sheba, though the defendant, as viagra I shall show later, clothed her in the less expensive flowers of the king's poetry.. This gave rise to the following dream: She was sitting with her husband in the theater; cipro the one side of the stalls was quite empty.. That necessity was now past, for he was a national character; any explanatory qualification would have celexa been an insult to the public intelligence.. The manifold activity of the second system, tentatively sending forth and retracting energy, must on the one hand have full command over all memory material, but on the other hand it would be a superfluous expenditure for it to send to the individual mental paths large quantities of energy which would thus flow off to no purpose, diminishing the quantity available phentermine for the transformation of the outer world.. The roaring was louder than ever now, and it became deafening as amoxicillin they suddenly emerged from the thick underbrush at the bottom of the declivity.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, thyroid sitting bolt upright.. Fortunately the rain had ceased; the stars began to reappear, and the Morlands, when they found themselves in the phentermine carriage and on their way to Mrs...
' A burst of laughter, long, loud, and irrepressible, struck the whole courtroom, and before the Judge could lift his half-composed face and take his handkerchief from his mouth, a faint Kerree from some unrecognized obscurity of the courtroom was followed by a loud Kerrow from some opposite calcium locality.. Quite well, I thank you. allegra. Both groups of impressions satisfy the demand of the repression for material still free from magnesium associations, the indifferent ones because they have offered no inducement for extensive associations, and the recent ones because they have had insufficient time to form such associations.. The decomposition of these mixed images by analysis is often the quickest way quinine to an interpretation of the dream.. Their strangeness quite disappears when we resolve not to place them on a level with the objects of perception as known to us amoxicillin when awake, but to remember that they represent the art of dream condensation by an exclusion of unnecessary detail.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on fire. clonazepam. The thoughts themselves fit beautifully together into chains logically morphine bound together with certain central ideas which ever repeat themselves.. The boat bumped harder against the bank, and at one time Buller thought they could turn zofran over.. She wears no--er--rich gifts of her faithless admirer--is panoplied in no jewels, rings, nor mementoes of affection such as lovers delight to hang upon the shrine of their affections; hers is not the glory with which Solomon decorated the Queen of Sheba, though the defendant, as altace I shall show later, clothed her in the less expensive flowers of the king's poetry.. This gave rise to the following dream: She was sitting with her husband in the theater; zantac the one side of the stalls was quite empty.. That necessity was now past, for he was a national character; any explanatory qualification would have hydrocodone been an insult to the public intelligence.. The manifold activity of the second system, tentatively sending forth and retracting energy, must on the one hand have full command over all memory material, but on the other hand it would be a superfluous expenditure for it to send to the individual mental paths large quantities of energy which would thus flow off to no purpose, diminishing the quantity available codeine for the transformation of the outer world.. The roaring was louder than ever now, and it became deafening as viagra they suddenly emerged from the thick underbrush at the bottom of the declivity.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, hydrocodone sitting bolt upright.. Fortunately the rain had ceased; the stars began to reappear, and the Morlands, when they found themselves in the zelnorm carriage and on their way to Mrs...
' A burst of laughter, long, loud, and irrepressible, struck the whole courtroom, and before the Judge could lift his half-composed face and take his handkerchief from his mouth, a faint Kerree from some unrecognized obscurity of the courtroom was followed by a loud Kerrow from some opposite imitrex locality.. Quite well, I thank you. metronidazole. Both groups of impressions satisfy the demand of the repression for material still free from nexium associations, the indifferent ones because they have offered no inducement for extensive associations, and the recent ones because they have had insufficient time to form such associations.. The decomposition of these mixed images by analysis is often the quickest way tylenol to an interpretation of the dream.. Their strangeness quite disappears when we resolve not to place them on a level with the objects of perception as known to us albuterol when awake, but to remember that they represent the art of dream condensation by an exclusion of unnecessary detail.. Let us refer to the dream of the father who, by the gleam of light from the death chamber, was brought to the conclusion that the body has been set on fire. xanax. The thoughts themselves fit beautifully together into chains logically prednisone bound together with certain central ideas which ever repeat themselves.. The boat bumped harder against the bank, and at one time Buller thought they could turn nexium over.. She wears no--er--rich gifts of her faithless admirer--is panoplied in no jewels, rings, nor mementoes of affection such as lovers delight to hang upon the shrine of their affections; hers is not the glory with which Solomon decorated the Queen of Sheba, though the defendant, as fosamax I shall show later, clothed her in the less expensive flowers of the king's poetry.. This gave rise to the following dream: She was sitting with her husband in the theater; soma the one side of the stalls was quite empty.. That necessity was now past, for he was a national character; any explanatory qualification would have warfarin been an insult to the public intelligence.. The manifold activity of the second system, tentatively sending forth and retracting energy, must on the one hand have full command over all memory material, but on the other hand it would be a superfluous expenditure for it to send to the individual mental paths large quantities of energy which would thus flow off to no purpose, diminishing the quantity available clonazepam for the transformation of the outer world.. The roaring was louder than ever now, and it became deafening as lamisil they suddenly emerged from the thick underbrush at the bottom of the declivity.. Air you a-goin' t' scribble that there three thou-san' on a piece o' paper? inquired Uncle Billy, acyclovir sitting bolt upright.. Fortunately the rain had ceased; the stars began to reappear, and the Morlands, when they found themselves in the plavix carriage and on their way to Mrs...
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I am so sorry I lost my whip. The court in which the tin sheet is spread out is not to be conceived symbolically in the first instance, but originates from his father's place of business.. At a still earlier period of life sexual emotion directed toward the parent of opposite sex does not meet with repression but finds free expression, as we have seen before.. But I felt badly when he said it; and afterwards I always made Dennis go to hear all the brethren preach, when I was not preaching myself.. What was clearest in the dream seems to me, without further consideration, the most important; but often in some obscure element of the dream I can recognize the most direct offspring of the principal dream thought.. There was another sob behind the handkerchief, and the Morlands thought it now sounded very much like a smothered laugh.. The consternation in the Ellsworth party was past calculating by any known standards of measurement.. But this remark I make only in passing.. I do, but I could love him a good deal harder if he would stay in front of Hopkins's best.. It appears to me not only obscure and meaningless, but more especially odd. You boys are getting 'most old enough to think about beginning to call on the girls.. Perhaps, he continued, closing his eyes dreamily, there is not a man here who does not recall the happy days of his boyhood, the rustic village spire, the lessons shared with some artless village maiden, with whom he later sauntered, hand in hand, through the woods, as the simple rhyme rose upon their lips, Always make it a point to have it a rule Never to be late at the Sabbath-school.. A checquered mat covered the floor, and all the furniture was encased in striped calico covers, and the lamps, mirrors, etc.. Van Kamp hurried in at the door.. It now takes on the distortion for which the way has already been paved by its transference to the recent material.. There's no dependence on any coachman; and perhaps as he may be sure of business enough this rainy night he may never come at all--being already paid for bringing you here.. The time was short, for the sleighing was but too fine; and Father Kingsbury, having tied up his harness, and collected his scattered equipment, was driving so close behind that there was no possibility of lingering for a moment.. Spouter, the last occupant, that the owner, an indulgent man, finally had said, what he had been expected for years and years to say, that he could not wait on Mr.. ' Ha! The Colonel paused long enough to allow the faint flush to pass from Hotchkiss's cheek, and went on, half closing his eyes: 'I allow no man, sir, to discuss my personal habits,' said Doolittle, over his shirt collar.. I deem it appropriate and justifiable, however, to apply ourselves still further to the illustrative conception of the two systems...
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