Inane Rantings Of My So-called Life

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Back In the Grind

After almost a month on being on leave, finally got back to work... Everything is back in its normal routine. World is upside down again. Alive at night and dead during the day just like a vampire. At least i no longer have to be bored outta my skull at home and money would be pouring back in. The drawback is, no more night life again for me. And would have less time to spend with Ja. Its all good. Haay... Life of a call center guy...

wala lang

Monday, July 18, 2005

Beep Beep Riding the Jeep

Something really funny happened to me while riding the jeep home from Bok's house. Still in the state of elatation from being with Bok, I had this silly smirk on face and almost oblivious to everyone around me. Along the stretch of Legarda, a obviously gay guy (think effem who is trying his best to be manly without any success) and a girl stepped into the jeep and sat beside me. Not even bothering to give them a second look, i continued with my reverie. Everytime I ride the jeep, I couldnt help but overhear other people's conversations. Not that I evesdrop on purpose, its really hard not to listen to what other passengers are talking about when they are sitting in such close proximity and in a cramped place.

This particular conversation was between the obviously gay guy and the girl who I mentioned stepped into the jeep. First they were talking about school related stuff (San Beda is their school by the way). Then there conversation switched to showbiz. The OGG (obviously gay guy) said to the girl "Ay, may chismax ako sayo!" Then he started mentioning names of showbiz people who he said is gay. Some I knew all about and some I didnt have the clue who they were. Good thing the girl didnt know also so the OGG had to elaborate and gave examples of where that "gay celeb" is seen on tv or movie he made. The girl and I didnt have a hard time keeping up with the story.

Anyhow, what was funny was how the OGG told his chismax. It was like he had first had knowledge of the stuff. Parang it was like he and those celebs were buxum buddies. The question that was playing in my head was "How the fuck do you know all these stuff?". It was like I had a psychic connection with the girl for she asked my exact question, well minus the fuck word and it was in tagalog. Then OGG had a different source for each celeb he outed. One was "kaclase nung isa kong naging classmate dati nung 1st yr si ganito...", another was "may pinsan ako na may kilalang dating naging friend ni someone na kilala si celeb". I was rolling my eyes at this point and stopped paying attention. He would have been more credible if his source was really reliable.

Here comes the clincher of this whole story. The girl asked OGG how come the celebs didnt appear gay and stuff. OGG answered "sis, ganito kasi yan. may mga bading na tawag effem. sila yung halata. tapos meron yung, katulad ko, bi na akala mo lalaki". Napatingin ako bigla sa kanya with a "WTF??? Like that?!?!" expression on my face. Tried my best not roll out the jeep laughing. Ahh.. Life...

Here ends another inane rant in my so called life....

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Life's Like that.....

Its funny how life can in the real world. Its always different when its our turn.

Im sure youve done this before. Given advice to a family members, close friends, friendable friends, even people you dont even like. May it be for their relationship problems, financial trouble, amats related thingy, or what have you. Its like you have the right solution for everything. You get this really uber good feeling when your friend, family member, whoever, listens to you in rapt attention. Absorbing every word you say as if it was the law.

Whats funny is, when the same or similar thing/problem comes your way, your totally at a loss. You (well maybe not all of you). You do everything in the opposite of what you advice. Doing all the mistakes you are full aware that you should not be doing.

Im a living testament to this. Forever am I the consoler of friends, the takbuhan ng problema of the barkada, the one they look for if they need sound advice. Its kinda nice to feel that my friends look up to me for advice and stuff like that. But sometimes it gets annoying. Like when they wake me up in the middle of the night coz they had a fight with his/her bf/gf and i have to be peacemaker, or when they have love problems. Im not rich or anything, but im the loan guy in the barkada (ewan ko kung bakit).

What bites is, when Im the one who has a problem, I dont have anyone to turn to, well except for my best bud, but usually wala. Maybe because i dont usually tell people whats bugging me. I tend to keep to myself and figure my own way out of it. Or when the really rare times i tell the barkada about it, they usually say "kaya mo yan"... or "ikaw pa!?...". Frustrating isnt it? The weird thing is, i eat everything i tell my friends on their problems. Doing the same mistakes they did.

Well, Life is really like that. Its so easy to fix other people problems. But when it is our own, we are totally at a loss. We know what we should do, but for some reason or another, we dont do it.

Lifes a bitch, and then we die, so fuck 'em all and lets get high!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Senti songs are hazardous to your health

Senti songs are hazardous to you when listened to while suffering the following:

a.) just broke up with your bf/gf
b.) in the middle of breaking up with your bf/gf
c.) was dumped by the person your courting
d.) being single for the longest time ever
e.) in the state of limbo in a relationship
f.) falling or fallen in love to a person who does not love you the way you want
g.) any similar condition with the things already mentioned

there should be a law passed that it is forbidden to listen to these kinds of songs when you are suffering from any those things above.

I mean, it only makes matters worse for the person. Instead of getting on with your life, these songs drag you back down to a state of a blithering idiot. Listening to senti love songs on purpose while in the state of emotional disaster is like carving your heart out with a wooden spoon (just imagine how that feels like).

Although I admit, senti love songs are great to listen to if your in perfect condition. They even have the power to make you say aawwww ….and give out a sigh while smiling and covers you in a warm fluffy feeling. Thats all good

BUT! If emotionally youre in the shit-hole, they become evil. Its better to eat crushed glass than listen to them when your hurting inside. Senti songs will painfully remind you about the good all days you had, and are now long gone. Making you want to crawl down a hole somewhere and die. They eat you from the inside out (just like ketong).

Word of advice, avoid listening to senti songs when your feeling down and troubled. Avoid it like it has the plague or something worse, PUBIC LICE!

Im not sure whats the point of all of this, wait, is there actually any point in all of this??… probably just bored witless that’s why im writing all this hibidyjibidy. Boredom makes you do all sorts of stuff… I think I have ADHD…… I dunno why I just said that. Im going bananas… Bored outta my skull.....

Totoo pala lahat ng tsismis when you fall in-love…. Gaya ng,

-you cant sleep
-you cant eat
-that person is always on your mind
-sobrang saya mo pag kasama/kausap mo siya
-its like he/she is the air you breath
-you would rather talk to him/her than anybody else
-the world stops when your with him/her
-you want to tell that person everything you did since the last time you talked
-when your pissed off at that person, kahit anong galit mo, hindi mo siya matiis
-normally your not like this, pero nagiging saksakan ka ng baduy sa kanya
-you say and do the corniest things….(am I being redundant?)
-nag seselos ka, nagtatampo, feel all mushy inside sa kanya
-napapa iyak ka nya kahit hindi nya alam (hopefully this will not happen)
-pero this is the best, ang pinaka hari, he can make you smile even without doing anything. Panalo diba

Akala ko, hindi na ako tatablan ng love. Hell, the last disaster (relationship) Ive bin in was almost 8 months ago. And after that, I said to myself, “hindi ako bagay dito”. Kaya, ayun, nag laro nang nag laro. Kaso, nakaka sawa na. in the end of the day (or early morning) after playing, when your home and alone, you feel all sad and empty. Bwakanginang yan! (kaya nga tinawag na panandaliang aliw eh).

Too early to tell… Still in the “getting-to-know-you-more process. One thing I’m sure though… I’m smitten

A Series Of Very Fortunate Events

Dang! Havent felt like this is a uber looooong time... This natural high started a few days ago.. Finally good fortune has smiled and even winked at me.

Im not used to writing down whats going on in my life. Hell! this is the first time im ever going to do the damn thing. Kaya forgive me if i sound so lame. It would be cooler if i started my blog days ago. Para may daily blog, kaso ngayon lang ako nag start..Lets start from the very beggining shall we....

Saturday night July 9

It all began on a last Saturday. Bored outta my skull so i decided to log-on the net. Checked my acnts, surffed for some useless stuff, sniffed around for some action, you know, normal i-have-nothing-to-do routine. After what seemed to be boredome galore, i got a message from this guy. At first it looked liked he was flirting when he sent the message. But after exchanging messages, i found out we already talked before. Then we started chatting at YM. Dang! We must have chatted all through the night. Longest time i spent chatting with someone.. Ang galing, we talked about anything under the sun. Its like we clicked

Sunday July 10

Carry over from the long chat we had with this not-so-new-guy i met online. Funny how really fast time flies when your talking to somebody who has your attention 100%. Then it hit me.. Fuck! This guy is way cool (if you get to read this, which you probably will, oo na, i think your cool). Hmm... "iba 'to ah" was the thought that i have floating in my head. The sun was already up by the time we ended our looong chat. Did the customary "gtg" thing. Asked for his number and mustered all the courage i could to ask his land line and if we could talk. To my delighted surprise, he gave it. We talked for hours on end. Ahh joy... Hated to end our conversation but had too because it was time for us to catch some zzzZZ's and the stilnox was kicking in. We got to talk again when we woke up later in the evening. Its a wonder how can two guys talk for hours and never run out of things to talk about. Ganun lang siguro talaga...

Monday July 11

This is one happy day. Watched LOTR the uncut version the whole day with him. Gawd! Although i have watched the damn trilogy 200 times, you can never have enough of Legolas. Hahahaha! The whole day was spent just sitting infront of the tube watching. Kulitan and moments of absolute sweetness by him as a break from LOTR. First time together lasted until the following day. Again, ahh joy...

Tuesday July 12

Reluctantly had to go back home to my place. Wished time would stop so i could be with that chinky-eyed, semi dimpled bloke. Tangina, am i baduy or what?? Blah blah blah

Wednesday July 13

Another afternoon spent with the chinky-eyed, semi dimpled bloke. Kulitan galore til late evening. Did something i havent done in ages. Found myself in a club. Made me remenisce of the times i spent clubbing til dawn and getting wasted with booze or what have you. Ahh... the good 'ol days... Dang, felt so acnient. What made the thing more pleasurable than before was i was with somebody i deeply like (ayan, lalaki ulo niya nito! damn! homesick???).

Thursday July 14

Syempre, kailangan ko na umuwi at nagtataka na nanay ko kung nasan na anak niya (At nagtagalog na ako.... Antok na eh...). Delayed as much as could. But eventually all good things have to end. Save stuff for the days,months to come. O kahit gano pa siya tatagal. Basta enjoy ako every time. And by the time i got home, i realized ulit na we were together for like almost 24 hours. Pero parang bitin parin...

Bwakanginang shyet!! Parang diary eh noh!! Dont worry, succeeding entries wont sound like "dear diary, carlo sat beside me today..."